Nuovi contenuti aggiuntivi nell’aggiornamento di Titanfall 2
Respawn ha pubblicato il nuovo aggiornamento di Titanfall 2.
Da oggi é disponibile il nuovo DLC/Aggiornamento gratuito Colonia Rinata; qui di seguito trovate tutti i contenuti aggiuntivi e le migliorie apportate al titolo.
Nuova mappa
- Colonia: questa mappa classica sarà familiare per i vecchi appassionati di Titanfall. Ambientata in una dormiente cittadina di coloni, il centro popolato vanta vicoli, interni e tetti circondati da viali aperti per i Titan.
- R-101 – Universalmente ben considerata per la sua versatilità unica, la piattaforma R-101 è stata un pilastro del conflitto umano fin dall’arrivo dei primi coloni dai Sistemi Centrali. Questa versione è dotata del mirino ACOG.
Nuova esecuzione
- Spaccatesta
Titan Prime
- Northstar
- Legion
Pack mimetiche
- 20 mimetiche
Pack distintivo
- 20 banner
- 20 patch
Decorazione Titan
- 5 nuovi design
- 1 nuova skin con colori da guerra per Titan
- Per festeggiare il ritorno di Colonia, l’Elenco in evidenza di tale settimana sarà Colonia 24/7 e supporterà diverse modalità.
- Oltre a ciò, sarà inoltre disponibile una patch con molti correzioni di bug, bilanciamento e miglioramenti al gioco. Le note complete sulla patch saranno pubblicate in prossimità del lancio.
- Dal 30/03 al 03/04 saranno attivi i Doppi XP per tutte le modalità in Titanfall 2.
Ulteriori modifiche al titolo(in inglese):
- Roll the Dice – increased earn meter needed to use
- Smart Pistol – Fixed bug with locking onto the base of Amped Wall and Hard Cover
Thunderbolt Adjustments
- Damage per hit increased
- Damage pulses at a faster rate
- Substantially reduced the AoE size to Titans
- Reduced the missile speed
Charge Rifle
- Charge Hack mod is now a Quick Shot mod instead of Instant Shot.
- Fixed Speedloader mod not working properly
- Holo Pilot now has the name and a health bar of the owner pilot
- Holo Pilot pulses randomly on the minimap
- Holo Pilot will give a subtle audio cue now to the owner when it’s destroyed
Amped Wall
- Amped Wall can now be destroyed
- Reduced the amount of core meter generated by dealing damage to Titans
- Removed the icon on top of a battery that would appear after a Pilot stole a battery via Rodeo
- Increased the base duration of Thermal Shield
- Reduced the increased duration of Inferno Shield kit so it’s total duration stays the same
- Fuel for the Fire Kit now reduces the cooldown of Fire Wall instead of increasing its duration
- Fixed a bug where Fire Wall and Flame Core were still being extinguished by Electric Smoke
- Enemy npcs appear on the minimap in Attrition – for Titanfall 1 veterans, all pilots have Minion Detector.
- Balanced the locations of batteries that were heavily favoring one team and adjusted other battery positions relative to those being balanced.
- Restricted Live Fire and LTS max draw rounds to 3
Live Fire
- Adjusted Live Fire scoring priority so Kills now count higher than Flag Captures
- You will now instantly steal the flag when executing an enemy flag carrier in Live Fire
- Live Fire mode will now wait until all players have connected before starting the first round
- Featured Mode Colony 24/7 Mix of Modes
- Added Random Pilot Execution option. This will choose a random execution out of the ones you have unlocked.
- Advocate Gifts will now default to rewarding random cosmetic items instead of credits. This should help players who primarily play one type of loadout get more cosmetic rewards
Coliseum Improvements
- Added new introduction ceremony
- Added 9 new victory animations
- Player now automatically wins Coliseum match if opponent disconnects
Gameplay Fixes
- Fixed bug in Angel City where embarking into your Titan in certain spots would lead to player death
- Various fixes to improve overall movement
- Various improvements to Pilot melee
- Amped Wall fixes
- Silence Pistols are now properly amped
- Arc Grenades can now be thrown through the passable side of the Amped Wall.
- Fixed issue with Inner Pieces so executed Pilot is facing the same way as the execution
- Fixed some issues with weapon drops during executions
- Fixed the sidearm dropping from the stim execution
- Fixed 180 degree bug with executions.
- Fixed bug where you couldn’t move after Northstar’s execution
- Fixed Titans warping to the floor when disembarking in mid-air
- Fixed bug in Coliseum where holding down ordnance button between rounds would cause player to spawn on same side as their enemy
- Fixed a bug that could cause rodeoing pilots to not be hit by Electric Smoke.
- Various Faction Leader announcement fixes when executing rodeo
- Various improvements to Titan nose art issues
- Adjusted disembark to better handle disembarking onto a raised platform
HUD/Menu Fixes
- Added player level to callsign cards during killcam
- HUD options menu now displays proper value for 2d/3d damage indicator settings
- Player gen of 2.09 no longer incorrectly displays as 2.9
- Fixed bug in Live Fire so flag icon now displays properly during killcam and spectator mode
- Fixed custom loadout names sometimes showing wrong text
- Fixed bug where you would still get an option to buy after purchasing Angel City’s Most Wanted Bundle
- Various stability improvements
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